February is the month of love and a perfect time to address the importance of self-love. Self love isn't always easy is what I hear from clients in my office. For some reason we have a habit or maybe it is because we are conditioned to show love towards others instead towards ourselves starting from our early childhood years. Lets face it, how many of you were taught by your family to do something just for you each and every day? Lack of self-love can lead to unfulfilling relationships, marriages and partnerships. It can hold you back from manifesting what you want. It can cause disharmony in the body which can lead to disease and illness. Emotional eating and/or shopping are few good signs that you need to work on creating more self-love in your life. If you are feeling overwhelmed, out of control, lonely, and afraid of your future take some time to look within and show yourself some care.
It may take some time to recondition your thoughts about self-care and self-love so be easy on yourself during the process. When you start incorporating self-love into your life it is a form or way of healing yourself, taking responsibility and control over your emotions and feelings. The more you show yourself self-love the more peace you will have. You will feel more grounded and confident with yourself.
Part of self-love includes setting healthy boundaries. Look around you and who you have been aligning your energy with. Do your "friends" talk negatively about themselves and others, do they drain your energy making you feel tired when they are in your presence, do they create drama in their lives and in yours? If so, you may want to reevaluate who you are spending time with. Choose to be with those who are enlightening, happy and positive and see how it will assist you with being fulfilled.
When you start making yourself a priority in your life you will have more energy and you will attract healthy relationships (platonic and romantic). Your emotional eating and shopping will reduce. You will be more productive with work and more focused on what really matters to you. This change will help you in manifesting what you truly want out of life.
Regain your self-confidence, stand in your power and heal your hearts to be open to love. If you are ready to make change and to focus on you then contact me and we'll come up with a plan and course of action that meets your needs in making you a priority in your life. Rediscover who you are and the possibilities available to you through coaching and healing programs.
Jo Homar