Work Transitions

Are Your Business and Work Needs Changing?
feel purposefully aligned every day with Jo as your personal coach
One-on-One sessions.
Initial free consultation plus (6) 45 minute sessions (for a total of 7 sessions) to be taken within 6 months.
Get the support and resources you need to get a handle on your life and to reclaim your inner power of health, joy, purpose and balance to reignite your passion for life.
Customized sessions for setting goals, prioritizing, and receiving clarity in regards to making change as it relates to your business or work situation.
I can't wait to assist you!
Get started today.
Are you underwhelmed or overwhelmed with your current business or work situation?
Having a personal coach provides you with a safe space to transform the things in your life that you want to change. No judgement, no second guessing, no more feelings of being alone in this journey we call life. I can help you set goals, help keep you accountable, and provide you with lasting tools so you can feel more connected, empowered and inspired with your life choices.
By working together, you can come up with inspired ideas more easily and figure out creative solutions to making a change around your career including your current needs and wants when it comes to business and your work situation.
You can gain more confidence and trust your intuition better.
Are you....
*At a crossroads with your career path?
*Ready to leave your corporate job to start your own business?
*Wanting to wind down from your full time job to spend more time relaxing, spending time with your children or grandchildren?
*Ready to put yourself, your needs, and your talents first?
*Re-evaluating your current work situation?
*Having difficulty in moving forward with your career?
*Feeling overwhelmed on how to transition from the corporate environment to being an entrepreneur?
I've seen over and over again people struggling in these following areas:
*Individuals transitioning from corporate to self-employed.
*Individuals transitioning from full time work to part time work or retirement.
*Individuals who are in upper management positions or business owners who are feeling overwhelmed.
*Upper management and business owners responsible for hiring staff and don't want to make costly mistakes by hiring the wrong individual.
Do these scenarios leave you with:
Limiting Beliefs?
Negative Self-Sabotaging Thoughts?
When I made my transition from the corporate world to starting my own business there were days where I thought I was loosing my mind. I loved my corporate job and the people I worked with but deep inside it no longer served a purpose for me. Self-sabotaging thoughts of "what is wrong with you, why would you give all this up, how are you going to support yourself" came up over and over again and I wish I had someone to talk to about it. Someone who understood exactly what I was going through. I wish I had someone who empowered me to move forward with my dreams of helping others in a more meaningful way. Something that my 9-5 job behind a desk didn't accomplish. My creative side as an artist was screaming to get out. I would sit on my deck crying and not know why I was crying. It was like I lost my identity and I didn't know who the new Jo was. I knew I wasn't the old Jo but I also didn't know what my new version of self was like either. Faith and a good support system from my husband and sister helped me through it. Yet, they still didn't fully understand.
I can help you navigate these changes because I lived it. I experienced it. I successfully moved through that transition. I've learned much along my journey. I have the skills, intuition and knowledge to help you make your work/business transition. I picked up tools along the way that I can share with you so you can get there with ease, grace and love and support for yourself.
This is why I've created the Work Transitions Membership. This membership was created to help guide you to a fulfilled way of BEING so you can feel connected, confident, empowered and inspired with your business, career, and work choices.
When you have the tools to take action; to not look at your situation through the eyes of a victim but through the eyes of a survivor; you are then able to look at life from an inspired place full of infinite possibilities. When you live an inspired life, you no longer find yourself in self-sabotaging patterns.
The Work Transitions Membership gives you flexible structure and guidance to make it really easy to get out of your old thought patterns. You are not meant to go through life struggling and you are not meant to do it all on your own.
Let's build a relationship with a common goal of helping you stay on track with what you want to accomplish.
Become An Work Transitions Member
6 Payments of $130
Work Transitions Program with Jo Homar
A coupon code will be provided at check out to use for booking your 45 minute sessions. After check out is complete, you will be sent a separate email with private scheduling link.
All sales are final. No refunds for unused sessions. Sessions may not be transferred to another person and must be taken within a 6 month period from time of purchase. You can book your sessions as close together as you want (weekly, biweekly, monthly, etc.). It is client's responsibility to book their monthly follow up sessions.